Oh jesus Smiley Bob you're making another fucking news post that nobody gives a rats ass about. Gtfo.
Well that's a bit harsh!
No, you stupid prick, write something interesting for a change, instead of shameless advertising your stupid shit.
No smiley-bob fuck you.
Sorry I was talking to myself for a bit there... lol.
So mainly in the news THE GEAR GROUP IS BACK. It's now led by my good friend Kiwi Gear (swansenfagen.newgrounds.com) who is for the most part doing a good job, but they could REALLY, REALLY, REALLY use some members, and some good animators over there, so if you've ever been in a group, or your just ok at animating, please go make a validation topic, groups are really fun.
You can join by visiting http://z15.invisionfree.com/Gear_Group /index.php? and making a validation thread.
In other news I've been kinda secretly working on a little project of mine for a period of time titled "V for Chapelle" (working title not final). Which is kinda an Ackbar and BBQbeefburgerman knock-off, so it's looking pretty good right now. Hopefully you'll all enjoy it and I can make a series because I'm having a good time making it. And so... yeh. I hope you'll all be on the look out for that and stuff... Not much else to say.
Not much going on in my personal life. Got back together with my girlfriend. Think I said that. Still fucking failing school lol. Um yea. Excited for summer and stuff. Been on NG alot lately.
OH! Yea, I'm sure many of you have heard about the Sitrom98 little event that happened however long ago, and this guy put together a collab about it and me and ibjammin are going to do a piece for that, he wrote it, I'm going to animate it, and we're both going to voice it. SO! I hope you look out for that also. If you want to join the collab the threads right meow so yea. You can do that.
So that's all for now, cheerio lads.
o 'nd.