I know you missed our bastardly dastardlyness. But it seems that Afroman95, Anti-Human, and Myself may be attempting to bring back the Bomb Brigade. Newgrounds has been lacking in active groups for some time now, I think their may be a need for one!
If I remember most people liked the BB sept spinoff haters. or just *ock groups in general.
So I should have a forum up pretty soon, and we should be spanking out regular flashes in NO-TIME!
If any of you already want to join, just comment this and say so an I'll send u a forum link as soon as it's up.
If you don't know what the BB is...Go watch some of our flashes. Most notably I would watch "BB the ghost of you" a flash I made after the BB had died.
But for those who are lazy!!!!!!!!! The Bomb Brigade is/was a flash animation group inspired by the works of the Clock Crew, and the Lock Legion. The Bomb Brigade was a sort of haven for new and experienced flash users, where we sought to help n00bs at flash and make them better. We still will hold true to this, no matter your flash abbility we will most very likely accept you.
So yes!
Forum = UP!
join pl0x.
yay it's back! remember me? i was master chief :D
Heh yeh I remember you :D.